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来源:http://www.jntfgd.com 日期:2021-06-24 发布人:admin

Why do the exhaust pipes of restaurants need to be galvanized? In short, this is for better ventilation performance and better extension of the service life of the pipeline. Considering that the ventilation pipeline may be exposed to various corrosive liquids, the work of galvanizing is relatively important.
Galvanizing is the process of coating steel or iron with a protective layer of zinc to prevent rust. A common method is hot-dip galvanizing, that is, the parts are immersed in molten zinc to achieve the effect of galvanizing.
Although the zinc coating inhibits the corrosion of the underlying steel, rust is inevitable after decades of climate exposure. Especially when exposed to acidic conditions. For example, corrugated roofs began to degrade within a few years, despite the protective effect of zinc coating.
Exhaust pipe of Jinan kitchen
Marine and saline environments also reduce the life of galvanized iron. The high conductivity of seawater increases the rate of corrosion. This is mainly due to the transformation of solid zinc into soluble zinc chloride, which is simply washed away. Galvanized frames are an example. In cold environments, salt on the road can lead to faster corrosion rates, although they are more durable than unprotected steel.
If additional measures such as paint coating and sacrificial anodes are maintained, galvanized steel can last for decades. The corrosion rate in salt free environment is mainly caused by the content of sulfur dioxide in the air.
Pipe galvanizing or lap galvanizing is a very common application, hundreds of thousands of tons of galvanized steel products are produced every year all over the world. In developed countries, most big cities have several galvanizing plants, and many steel manufacturing projects are protected by galvanizing. This usually includes street furniture, building frames, balconies, balconies, stairs, ladders and aisles. Hot dip galvanized steel is also used to make steel frame, which is the basic building material of steel structure.


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